i Nili o i Ardanole Newsletter:

Your source for Lord of the Rings News, Updates, Poetry, Art, Parody and Satire.


Issue 52, Volume 3, April 15th, 2005.

Editors: Perian, Xara. 
Chief Correspondent: Prongs.
Columnists: Lady Morrigan Shadow, Padfoot, Cerridwen.
Archivist: Ivy.
Contributor(s): Frida Belmonte, Frodo's Friend.

In this issue:
"Yes, But Why?" by Xara.
My Not So Epic Adventure by Frodo's Friend.
Character Rebellion by Frida Belmonte.
Returning to Rivendell ... For the First Time by Perian.

In every issue:
Fanfiction: This Fortnight: If the Light Should Ever Fade: Part Nine - Finale by Cerridwen.
Xara's Random Fandom.
Ask Samwise.
Tolkienish, provided by Perian.
Next Issue: School Daze.

Find past archives or contribute at http://inili.iwarp.com/


"Yes, But Why?"
By Xara.

  How often have you been asked "What did you think of this movie?" or "How did you like the book?" and not been able to give a better reply than, "Oh, well, it was good"? You know there was more to it than that, but you just can't tap into what it was that made it so good, or so bad. But, as I'm slowly learning, making sophisticated comments and feedback is something we already know how to do, it's just a matter of realising first what you're thinking when you read or watch something, and second, why.
  Let me give an example. Return of the King. We'll start with an easy question. Did you like this movie? YES!!! Why is that? Now, this may be an easy question when we're talking about Lord of the Rings, but it gets harder when we talk about other movies you're not completely fanatical about. So let's go back to why, and for the sake of the exercise, instead of naming your favorite character/scene/line/whatever, try to clear your mind, and pick a few scenes that immediately spring out at you when you think of Return of the King. For me it's: Dunharrow, the scene where Galadriel appears in a vision to Frodo, Minas Tirith after the siege and Pippin's song.
  But merely naming a few scenes doesn't answer the question of why. To really know why, you have to think about each of these scenes, and try to find out why they sprung out at you. Dunharrow: Well, the whole camp on a little rocky cliff thing is just too cool for words, especially the bit where Aragorn and Theoden are looking out over it and there's that above shot thingy (let's not get too technical though, it ruins the fun), and of course all Eowyn's dresses are cool, as well as the tents, and the bit where Merry gets left behind by Theoden is practically tearful. That reminds me of the scene where Gandalf rides off with Pippin at the beginning, which really was tearful, and I just realised that Merry is filmed from the same angle in this scene, looking up at someone on a horse, he's always getting left behind isn't he?
  Wow, there were things in there which I hadn't even realised I liked until I did that. No, seriously. So now that we've done that, what happens if someone perhaps gives you a story they've written, and asks you for a little feedback? You read the story and like it, but the someone asks you "Yes, but why do you like it?" Clear your mind, and pick the things which instantly jump out from your memory of the story. "Well, I liked the description of such and such...and the scene where...blah blah blah..." Ok, why did you like those bits? "Er...Well because such and such was described in such an unusual way and I wasn't expecting that, it made me think about this differently...and this scene reminded me of blah blah blah..."
  You see?! Already you can make yourself sound so sophisticated. It's easy once you know how. This is a skill I have only very recently learned, as my English course requires me to have intelligent conversations with my teacher critiquing novels, short stories and the like. Remember to say everything that comes to mind, even if you think it's really obvious. So there you have it, now the next time someone asks you "So what did you think of this?", you'll know how to reply!

My Not So Epic Adventure
By Frodo’s Friend.

  Ever since watching the Lord of the Rings movies, I have taken every opportunity to relate my every day interactions to the movies. This is usually done by quotes such as "We have been here before!" and, "You can keep your nasty chipssss." So when my sister and I decided to go on a hike in on a trail near our home called "Rainbow Falls View" I was extremely excited. Surely, out in the wilderness there would be many a chance to recreate epic scenes from the greatest movies ever! I could hardly wait.
  We arrive at the trailhead and are given two choices.
  1. Walk along the ridge to the waterfall viewpoint
  2. Walk down to the edge of the river
  We decided not abandon our friends to torment and death!.. And found ourselves traveling up to the viewpoint to hunt some orc! I got there first and my sister shouted "What do your elven eyes see (or something to that effect)!" Though I was ready to make a report about grand statues of kings, or even of the rushing waterfall, I was at a loss. "Well, er…there are some… trees… and… a shrub or two…" We finally spotted the waterfall that the viewpoint promised. It was more of a trickle, and there were so many trees that we could barely see the river. I muttered "I do not think Gandalf meant for us to come this way…" my sister in the same spirit, pointed to the chicken-wire fence that went along the trail, greatly detracting from the scenery, "Gandalf did not mean for a lot of things…"
  We headed back to the other trail. What would await us there? I racked my brain for a proper Lord of the Rings scene… Of course! The Forbidden Pool! At this thought I had a renewal of energy. We scurried down the steep trail until we found ourselves at the foot of the river. Well… it definitely looked cold. But there was no deep pool, nice and cool, and there were no fish, so juicy sweet. I was very disappointed.
  With a heavy heart, we headed back up the trail. It was in this last leg of the journey that it dawned on me. This must have been how Frodo and Sam felt, trudging unknowingly up to Shelob’s Lair! Though I would have much rather seen a forbidden pool or a secret elvish fortress deep within the forest, I suppose I finally got my epic adventure. As though nature was mocking me, when I reached the top of the trail I found a small spider clinging quite stubbornly to my cloak. … The End.

Character Rebellion
By Frida Belmonte

  'I think, therefore I am' said Aristotle, or someone like him, who knows? [René Descartes. -Ed.] I think, does that mean that I am? Because I'm actually a figment of someone else's imagination. My entire article is based on the fact that I am actually able to write this article at all. Yes, I, Frida Belmonte, a fictional character, am thinking for myself!! That sounds weird even to me! But it's true! I can actually talk for myself and, for the most part, control my own life and destiny. Why? Well I don't know to be honest. Let me give you an introduction:
  My name is Frida Belmonte and I am a character in one of Xara's fan fictions, The Happy Hobbit Hotel. I don't expect you to have read it. It is a complete misrepresentation of the truth! Ok, well sometimes...occasionally...but that's not the point! The point is myself, and my good friend Estella. We, like Frodo, live!

  It began way back in January of this year, when our author of the initial of X was writing her latest fiction and she realised, much to her embarrassment, that one of her characters, Estella, had not only formed an attachment to the man who would later turn out to be a deranged psychopath, but had actually fallen in love with the bastard. Oh what fun!! The battles that followed were tremendous! Our author actually threatened not to include Estella in the sequel at one point! But here was the shock of shocks, Estella actually fought back! Man she got angry. She got even angrier when she discovered her love was a serial killer. Thought Xara had done it on purpose to spite her. Xara still claims Sebastion asked her to turn him into a mind-warped loony, but I still have my doubts.
  So anyway, the thing is that Estella had actually taken on a life of her own!! And guess what? So did I! It wasn't always this way. In the beginning Estella's character was more uncertain than a match between a wizard and a balrog, and as for me, well I was just the comic relief! The indignity of it! Oh the shame! Oh the torment! How dare you treat me as no more than the person who makes inappropriate comments at inappropriate moments...Ok sorry for the outburst. As you can see I soon began to wake up to the fact that I was just humour, in fact, I soon began to wake up generally, and started making decisions for myself. Like my dear, sweet, sexy, clever-handed Rudolf...ahem!
  But then Xara said I was overshadowing all the other characters, even Estella, and not giving them a chance to find themselves either (by this time she'd woken up to the fact that not only did we not do as we were told, but the story worked better when we actually disobeyed her) so she put me in a coma! Hmph! Although it was terribly romantic...
  But my point is this! Characters have feelings too! In fact, if you let us, we can be our own people, which takes the pressure off you to have to come up with everything yourself! Listen to our ideas because they're usually good ones, and try to work with us, not against us! And if you even dare to try and put me in a coma again I'll cut Estella's plaits off in the night and you'd be devastated for the rest of your life so there! Authors, who needs them eh? Oh yeah, I guess I do, otherwise I wouldn't really exist...but that's not the point!
  (And by the way, don't blame the title of this article on me! Xara chose it! Well I had some input. She wanted it to be 'The Evolution of the Character' but I just said "No!" It sounds like something from a biology lesson. I gave up on biology when my teacher told us Robert Hooke discovered the microscope! I mean, I could discover a microscope if I had just walked to the back of the classroom and opened the right cupboard, but would she listen? I personally wanted this article to be called 'Friends of the Imaginary Friends League and Sheep with Cute Little Pink Ribbons and Bowler Hats' but apparently it wasn't relevant...hmph!)

Returning to Rivendell ... for the First Time
By Perian.
  In February a few of the old cast (no, not the leads or lads, alas) got together in Kaitoke Regional Park, aka Rivendell, for brunch, fan-chat, and a bit of showing off.
  Rivendell was beautiful, if a bit disappointing in that it was not recognizable as Rivendell. Where are digital matte paintings when you need them? A tour guide showed us all the locations, including a tree from which Orlando Bloom posed for a promo shot (a blonde teen lass seemed very reluctant to leave this alone) and Frodo's bedroom ... *cough* Of course I didn't linger there ... long. He wasn't in, you see. Off questing, that flighty little hobbit. That brings up a question... why did the guide focus on Legolas and Frodo? Hmm. I suppose that even he suffered some degree of Fangirlism. While on location we were, oddly enough, beset by white-shrouded mute creatures on stilts. What in Middle-earth they were doing in Middle-earth, I cannot fathom. Ringwraiths, and yes, there was one there later, or orcs would have been more appropriate. Ah well. It kept the kiddies entertained.
  Then back down the path that the stars had often trod we went, past the trees which PJ had planted as a thanks for using the location (Yes! He cares for the trees, too! Go PJ!) and at length to the picnic sight. The food was very good, and so much chocolate was provided that it took your editor three days to recover from the indulgence.
  A local singer-poet entertained us between blasts of The Fellowship of the Rings Soundtrack. Hovering around him was a fellow bedecked in medieval regalia. The woman beside me commented that he must be Gandalf's stunt double. He was not, as we discovered when he noticed us staring and came over. He was Théoden's, and a number of other lesser roles as well. Over the next few hours we met several others who had been involved in the production ... a motion capture swordsman, riding doubles for Gandalf and Arwen, a wraith, etc. I boldly asked four for interviews (not the Ringwraith... it scared me) and was given the e-mail and mailing addresses of each in exchange for a newsletter 'business' card. Yes, they all agreed to my face in front of so many people. But when sent out the first e-mail they ignored it or, in the sole reply, stated that he had signed a confidentiality agreement. Very disappointing. It makes one appreciate the congeniality and integrity of John Howe all the more, doesn't it?
  The highlight of the evening was a riding display by Jane Abbott on Florian, aka Asfaloth. As much as the fact that Arwen stole that scene from Frodo and earlier Glorfindel has irked many fans, being there as Jane and Florian burst from the trees, white dress and white tail billowing in the wind of their speed, that terrifying Ringwraith in close pursuit, was nothing short of breathtaking. For this moment alone the day was worth experiencing. And worth going back for should they decide to make this a regular event.
  One last and unexpected bonus awaited us as the darkness descended. The bus driver made a stop near the Hutt, at the park which served as Isengard. Barely able to see, we walked the path which Saruman and Gandalf had while in debate. And so at the end it suddenly, as the contours of each tree triggered the moviegoer's memory, felt real.


Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte Darthur
Reviewed by Perian.

  All right, this is a tough one at first. There's the archaic language, the lack of detail, the disturbingly fast narrative - for example, the climactic battle of this approximately 900 page novel takes place in only eleven lines of text - and let's face it, Malory's historical sources are hardly pure. But as a fantasy/heroic epic novel, this is a fantastic book.
  There are a few things which make it attractive from the start. For one thing, it was written by a real medieval knight. Not a very good one, true, but a knight nonetheless. It's like reading a novel written by Boromir. For another, it appears to have been used as inspiration for the movie. What? But Tolkien avoided French romance novel sources, everyone knows that! Yes, well, PJ doesn't. I'll write more on that at a later date.
  So wit you well; if you like tales of old, of romance and intrigue, of Arthur from his birth to death, of the romance between Lancelot and fair Queen Gwenevere (albeit completely fictional as Lancelot has no more evidence of having existed than Peter Pan), do give this one a try.

This Fortnight: If the Light Should Ever Fade
Part Nine - Finale.
By Cerridwen.

  Sadly, they turned slowly back to the city, walking into the thick fog that still covered the land.
  "What do you intend to tell Novrion and Nenwen?" an all too familiar low voice asked. Meluiwen and Ciryawen, being the last in the group, turned to see as figure walking steadily through the fog.
  "Eiliandel?" Ciryawen's question caused the others to back up a few steps.
  Bruised, battered but very much alive, Eiliandel walked towards them. After everyone's joy at seeing her had lessened somewhat, Eiliandel smiled. "I really am very curious. What would you say?" her light tone came.
  Instead of answering her question, Legolas asked, "How did you manage to get out?"
  Eiliandel smiled, "It was my spell that made the stronghold collapse. My intention was not to harm myself! It took me a little longer to defeat him than I had counted on." she made a face.
  "Yes, but how did you......?" Legolas trailed off as Eiliandel held out her hand. Resting in her palm was a emerald. The stone that magnified power. Aragorn looked at her as she gave an extremely self satisfied smile.
  "Why not use his own power against him?" she indicated to the stone, "If he is going to fight unfairly and use his staff, I don't have to follow any rules." she stated as they kept walking. Arwen shook her head as she laughed at the enchantress's attitude, earning laughter from Ciryawen, Meluiwen and Eiliandel.

  All in the city and palace of Minas Tirith had awoken to find the fog and wolves gone, the sun shining and the birds singing. Novrion stared out the window, 'I don't know what you did,' he thought as he looked out the window, thinking of Eiliandel, 'But you did it very well.' He sat down to await her arrival, vowing not to move until his lovely wife's face appeared in the doorway behind him.

  Arwen rode in front of Aragorn resting against him as they headed back to the city. She had told him everything she could remember of what she had seen and heard and Aragorn had answered all her questions about how their children were doing. Now they rode on in silence, Legolas watching Eiliandel closely. The enchantress had enough strength and wits about her to call their horses to them, thanking the Valar that the horses had remained near Haradion's stronghold and not left when the fighting had started.

~Three days later~

  "M'lord! Seven horse have been spotted on the approach! One has no rider," a page reported in to Eomer and Novrion. Eowyn looked up from watching Eladrion and Nenwen play and from holding Neva.
  "Thank you, we shall meet them." Eomer answered as they got to their feet.
  Picking up his daughter, Novrion headed out, hoping that Eiliandel had somehow found another horse and was not missing as he feared. Eladrion happily took Eomer's hand as they walked out to the gate, Eowyn following with Neva. They stood back as the gates were opened to admit the horses and their riders, one by one. Aragorn, with Arwen seated in front of him, rode in first, followed by the horse Thurin had ridden. Elladan and Ciryawen came in, with Meluiwen and Elrohir following them. Legolas rode in with Eiliandel right behind him. Novrion released a breath he hadn't known he was holding as he saw his wife ease herself off the horse. Nenwen squirmed out of his arms and darted towards her mother.
  "Nana!" she yelled delighted to see her as Eiliandel bent to hug her. Aragorn had dismounted and was helping Arwen down as Eladrion ran up. As soon as her feet had touched the ground, Arwen had given him a hug. Looking up, she saw Eowyn approaching with Neva. With tears of joy in her eyes, Arwen held her daughter, and rested her hand on her son's head as Aragorn began escorting them into the palace. He turned back in time to see Novrion give a small bow to Legolas.
  "Thank you for watching her." Novrion said gratefully as Nenwen handed her mother a flower, proudly announcing her new word to her mother. "Flower!"

Random Fandom.
  Where did everyone go? Yes, well, such things happen... no Random Fandom this fortnight. Would you like to be interviewed by our esteemed editor? Write to hobbitsinskirts@gmail.com

Ask Samwise.
  Samwise steps up to the little peak-roofed mailbox outside Bagshot Row, smiles as he sees it filled, reads the letters ... then sees the owner of the mailbox coming round the corner in his horse-cart and runs at full speed to his own, sadly empty one.
  Have a question? Concern? Just want someone to talk to? I'll forward your letters on to him (after reading them, of course) if you send them to Perian@HotPOP.com

WANTED: Writers. Are you one? Do you know any? Have you seen this endangered species? I'm something of a collector. They're needed for this small newsletter I dabble with. Send any excess to Perian@HotPOP.com
HELP WANTED: Er, with what I don't know. Er, never mind, then. Quest... helping dragon take revenge on Durin's Day ... something... Blast. Let me go ask that dwarf again. Expect me when you see me.

Of Names, Part II. (Key: q.= Quenya, s. = Sindarin, where known.)
curu: (q., noun) skill. Curufin, Curufinwe (Feanor), Curunir (Saruman).
dae: (noun) shadow. Daeron.
edhel: (s., noun) elf. Adanedhel, Aredhel, Gloredhel, Peredhil.
fea: (noun) spirit. Feanor, Feanturi.


  Dear Editor,
  You and I were rather lonely this week articles-wise, weren't we? And, ahem, I'll have to be deducting marks from that essay for it's informality and lateness. Only joking. As for your comment about "Did Merry Have Bugs Up His Pants?", I honestly can't remember why I put thanks to you at the beginning, but there must have been a reason ... I guess I was thankful to you. Hehe. Hoping to see more contributions next week,
  Dear Xara,
  I know. *Sniffles*. I think that picture of Merry I sent to the staff completely distracted them from actually writing. Could be that I was rather late in sending the reminder, too. To whomever may be reading this, we wants your articles, we loves your articles, yes, precious.
  And Xarie, m'dear, that wasn't an essay. Lol. I rather gleefully tossed aside all essay constraints and wrote an article instead. But thank you for taking the time to evaluate my work. Hehe.
  Feeling sufficiently thankfulled,