Primary Reporter: Ivy Brandybuck.

Failte, hallo, ciao, hola, bonjour, konichiwa, guten tag, and any other language you can think of. I am thirteen years old and hail from the land of the little people. Er, that being Eire, the Emerald Isle, or more commonly known as Ireland. I am in my second year of secondary school, or, in America, middle school. I love reading, writing, sketching, The Lord of the Rings or anything Tolkien related, films, trees, and especially music.
My passion in life is acting. In the past year I have been involved in three stage productions, and attended a talent convention in Seattle, Washington. I'm a member of the local performing arts school, and am currently trying to master the skill of tap dancing.
One of my favourite things to do is play sports. Not a lot, but I'm a big fan of European football (Especially watching the English Premiership) and I love to play and watch Rugby. An absolute favourite is my native sport of hurling (No, not that kind), which is very similiar to lacrosse, only faster and possibly a lot more dangerous. My hometown team has won the championships twenty three of twenty seven times, and I've had the priveledge of seeing them do it twice.
In February of 2003 I started a website which is now called Leaves of Lorien. It's still small as of yet, but a lot of hard work is going into it to make it the best it can be. Since its opening, and to my eternal shock, over 1,400 people have visited.
When I joined i Nili o i Ardanole, writing has become a big part of my life and I've discovered many new interests and made so many new friends. Now that I think back, I don't know what I would have done without it had I never chanced upon it. Since I've joined I've laughed constantly, and the fun, insanity, and possible epidemic of shizophrenia have never stopped!
Ivy also writes fanfiction, and oversees the Trivia column.